Tanzania is a country in East Africa and the fifth largest country in Africa in terms of population and about 2.5 times the size of the Federal Republic of Germany in terms of area.
On 17 March 2021[1],the country’s previous president, Dr John Pombe Magufuli[2], a former chemistry teacher[3], died unexpectedly. He was replaced by the then Vice-President and now Acting President of the country, Ms Samia Suluhu Hassan[4], who was born in 1960.
Dr Magufuli was first elected President of Tanzania on 25 October 2015, having held various ministerial posts since 1995. Since he repeatedly pushed road construction projects throughout the country and was also very uncompromising in achieving his goals, he soon received the nickname „tingatinga“[5] (Kishuaheli: „bulldozer“).
Possible reasons for Magufuli’s election as president
Election observers at the time are said to have often interpreted Dr Magufuli as a „compromise candidate“ to Edward Lowassa (Prime Minister in Tanzania from 2005 to 2008) and Bernard Membe (Foreign Minister of Tanzania from 2007 to 2015). According to this interpretation, various circumstances can also be interpreted to mean that Dr Magufuli was the intended candidate of the CCM party (Chama cha Mapinduzi). “The Citizen”, for example, gives the following reasons for this:
„Firstly, he had concealed his presidential ambitions and so he evaded media scrutiny and mudslinging from rival camps within the party. This left his image intact.
Secondly, he was “neutral.” He did not have “camps” or networks (mitandao) that have been so divisive and threatened the unity of CCM in the past decade.
Thirdly, his long nurtured anti-corruption image would suit CCM better at the time when the party’s image had been spoilt by corruption.” [6]
A Tanzanian informant with close ties to politics there expresses a different assessment:
“Magufuli was indeed already popular, but i wouldn’t say he was the annointed one. Every indication was that the anti-Lowassa establishment was going to go with Mr. Membe, the former foreign minister. And the EU and US were strongly behind Membe. Magufuli became the preferred compromise because of his percieved „neutrality“, when it was clear that the Lowasa camp would not give up without a fight.”
Of goats, papayas and motor oil
Dr Magufuli is revered by many people in Tanzania to this day. In the West, he was best known for his opposition to lockdowns and other corona measures[7]. He attracted the attention of a wider public with a press conference in May 2020 in which he raised clear doubts about the reliability of PCR tests used worldwide to detect the corona virus[8]:
„So schickte er Abstriche von Motoröl, einer Papaya, einer Ziege und verschiedenen anderen Dingen unter ausgedachten Decknamen in ein staatliches Labor, das die WHO-Tests verwendet.
Die Ergebnisse: Motoröl wurde negativ getestet, die Papaya, eine Ziege und ein Kware-Vogel positiv. Bei einer Jackfrucht war der Test „uneindeutig“. Ein ähnliches Ergebnis brachte die Prüfung eines Kaninchens, „unbestimmt“ hieß es in diesem Fall aus dem Labor.“[9]
Here the translation with the free version of DeepL.com:
„So he sent swabs of motor oil, a papaya, a goat and various other things under made-up aliases to a government laboratory that uses the WHO tests.
The results: Motor oil tested negative, the papaya, a goat and a kware bird tested positive. For a jackfruit, the test was „inconclusive“. A similar result came from testing a rabbit, „indeterminate“ was the word from the lab in this case.“
As a result, the head of the national laboratory had been suspended from her duties by Dr Magufuli[10].
PCR tests do not detect infection or infectivity
That Dr. Magufuli was correct in his assessment of the PCR tests is shown, among other things, by various court decisions from abroad:
- Portugal (Lisbon Court of Appeal, Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa, Az. Proc. Nº 1783⁄20. 7T8PDL.L1[11]),
- Austria (Vienna Administrative Court, decision of 24.03.2021, case number: VGW-103/048/3227/2021 – 2[12])
- Germany (e.g. Weimar Local Court, decision of 08.04.2021, ref: 9 F 148⁄21[13]; OVG North Rhine-Westphalia, decision of 25.11.2020, ref: 13 B 1780 / 20.NE[14]. Similarly, see also Saxon Higher Administrative Court, decision of 17.11.2020, ref. 3 B 351/20[15]).
In summary, it was established in the context of the designated court cases that a PCR test can neither prove an infection with Covid-19 nor infectivity:
„Ein PCR-Tests prüft auf das Vorhandensein von Erbmaterial eines Virus in einer Probe – und nicht darauf, ob tatsächlich eine Infektion vorliegt. Der Test unterscheidet nicht zwischen lebendigem bzw. aktivem und totem und somit inaktivem Virusmaterial.“[16]
Here the translation with the free version of DeepL.com:
„A PCR test checks for the presence of genetic material of a virus in a sample – and not whether an infection is actually present. The test does not distinguish between live or active viral material and dead and therefore inactive viral material.”
Natural medicine rather than western gene injections
Dr Magufuli also attracted attention with warnings to his compatriots not to get vaccinated against Covid-19 and, for instance, to rather resort to traditional remedies[17], [18]. Among other things, the former Tanzanian president was quoted as saying:
„You should stand firm. Vaccinations are dangerous. If the white man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for Aids by now; he would have found a vaccination of tuberculosis by now; he would have found a vaccination for malaria by now; he would have found a vaccination for cancer by now” [19].
Dubious freedom of the press in Tanzania?
Dr Magufule’s refusal to go along with the Western Corona hype was met with incomprehension in the Western press:
„Im vergangenen Jahr wurden mehrere Zeitungen vorübergehend geschlossen, darunter mit „Mwananchi“ auch die größte des Landes. Die Begründung: Sie hatte über die Pandemie berichtet, die es nach Auffassung des Präsidenten nicht gab. Denn Magufuli glaubte, den Virus weggebetet zu haben. Im August erließ das Parlament ein Gesetz, das der Presse verbietet, ohne Genehmigung über den Ausbruch einer Infektionskrankheit zu berichten. Wer gegen das Gesetz verstößt, dem Droht ein Jahr Haft.“[20]
Here the translation with the free version of DeepL.com:
„Last year, several newspapers were temporarily closed, including „Mwananchi“, the largest in the country. The reason given was that it had reported on the pandemic, which, according to the president, did not exist. Magufuli believed that he had prayed the virus away. In August, parliament passed a law prohibiting the press from reporting on the outbreak of an infectious disease without permission. Those who violate the law face one year in prison.“
Of course, such a restriction on press freedom is no more democratic than the extensive de facto exclusion of critics of the Corona measure from public discourse in the Federal Republic of Germany. Where was the outcry from German media representatives there when US President Donald Trump’s Twitter account[21]was blocked? Where did we see the front pages of the major German dailies showing outrage over the censorship of various channels of „Querdenken“[22] and other Corona measures critics by YouTube and Facebook[23], [24], [25], [26], over the banning of „Sputnik“[27] and „RT DE“[28], [29] or the deletion of the AfD-party’s Tik-Tok channel[30]? Where was the outrage when the internationally renowned German ENT-specialist Dr. Bodo Schiffmann from Sinsheim in Germany first went on holiday to Arusha in Tanzania and then emigrated there because media agitation and legally questionable house searches[31], [32], [33], [34] made a normal life in Germany virtually impossible? Why is a pro-Russian or Ukraine-critical stance in the Ukraine crisis using the „Z“ sign punishable in Germany with up to three years‘ imprisonment[35] with reference to Section 140 of the Criminal Code as alleged approval of a war of aggression? Where were comparable punishments for politicians or citizens who approved an illegal war of aggression on former Yugoslavia[36] or Iraq[37]? Why are doctors and scientists like Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi or Dr. Bodo Schiffmann in Germany, with the participation of the media, having their reputations actively destroyed or even being legally persecuted with dubious arguments[38]? How can it be that Dr. Daniel Langhans is simply prevented from speaking by the police during his speech at the major demonstration in Hanover on 14.05.2022? Langhans wore a heart T‑shirt on stage with the colours of the flags of Russia and Ukraine and stood for the reconciliation of the two warring parties[39]. In the spirit of freedom of expression, is it no longer allowed to promote reconciliation instead of wanting to end a war? Those who publicly criticise the lack of press freedom and freedom of expression in Tanzania should also publicly criticise their own system.
Successful against corruption
In autumn 2015, Dr Magufuli, representing the CCM party, won with 58% of the vote against his opponent Edward Lowassa, who got 40% of the vote[40], [41]. Right at the beginning of his term in office, he successfully campaigned against corruption[42]. He also showed himself to be a doer in other respects:
„On his first day in charge, Magufuli signalled the end of business as usual with a surprise visit to the finance ministry, where he berated civil servants who were not at their desks. Since then, he has cancelled lavish independence day celebrations to free up funds to fight a cholera outbreak; slashed the budget for a state dinner to celebrate the opening of parliament, using the money to buy hospital beds; and for all government officials except the president, vice-president and prime minister.“[43]
In 2020, Magufuli had been re-elected with 84% of the vote. The main opposing candidate obtained just 13% of the vote. At the time, the press reported allegations of possible electoral fraud, even though the election result was recognised by the great mass of the population. [44] This seems comparable to the substantiated allegations of possible electoral fraud in favour of Joe Biden in the USA.
Two sides of the same coin
Magufuli showed himself to be a mover and shaker during his time in power, but he was not without controversy. One Tanzanian described him to the author as a „dictator who prevented democracy and suppressed his critics“.
„Dabei war es dem verstorbenen Präsidenten Magufuli und seiner Politik zu verdanken, dass Tansania zu einem prosperierenden Mittelstandland in Afrika wurde. Er lehnte Milliardenkredite aus China ebenso ab, wie Bestechungsgelder aus der EU. Er machte keine Staatsbesuche außerhalb Afrikas und verkleinerte sein politisches Kabinett, dem er ebenfalls Auslandsreisen untersagte und ihm zudem Steuererleichterungen strich.“[45]
Here is the translation with the free version of DeepL.com:
„Yet it was thanks to the late President Magufuli and his policies that Tanzania became a prosperous middle class country in Africa. He rejected loans worth billions from China as well as bribes from the EU. He made no state visits outside Africa and reduced the size of his political cabinet, which he also banned from foreign travel and also cut tax breaks.“
The „Berliner Missionswerk“ describes Magufuli as very ambivalent in an article that is overall very tendentious:
„Präsident John Magufuli herrschte sehr umstritten. Einerseits schaffte er es, Korruption erfolgreich zu bekämpfen, Großprojekte voranzutreiben und den Staatsapparat zu entschlacken. Andererseits erwarb er sich binnen kurzer Zeit den Ruf eines Machers, eines „Bulldozers“, wie er in Tansania genannt wurde. Er verbat sich jegliche Kritik an seinem Führungsstil, sperrte Oppositionspolitiker ein, behinderte großflächig mit seiner Partei die Wahlen, zensierte die Medien, demütigte Andersdenkende.“[46]
Here is the translation with the free version of DeepL.com:
„President John Magufuli ruled very controversially. On the one hand, he managed to successfully fight corruption, push ahead with major projects and streamline the state apparatus. On the other hand, he quickly acquired the reputation of a doer, a „bulldozer“, as he was called in Tanzania. He forbade any criticism of his leadership style, imprisoned opposition politicians, obstructed elections on a large scale with his party, censored the media, humiliated dissenters.”
Other media also described Magufuli as a doer who enjoyed great veneration among the people, but nevertheless clearly polarised and did not exactly handle political enemies with kid gloves[47]. This is consistent with the accounts of Magufuli from May 2022, which, in addition to his great importance for Tanzania in a positive sense, also mentioned that political opponents sometimes had to fear for their lives. However, Tanzanians repeatedly emphasised that he had protected them from vaccination and other corona measures. The mere mention of his name evoked enthusiasm among many Tanzanians. Thus, Magufuli remains unforgotten to this day.
The German original copy of this text can be found here, another article about the situation in Africa here.
[1] „John Magufuli. Tansanias Präsident gestorben“ on „zdf.de“ from 17.03.2021 at 10:38 p.m. Available under https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/tansania-praesident-magufuli-tot-100.html, last time looked up at 11.05.2022.
[2] „John Magufuli. Tansanias Präsident gestorben“ on „zdf.de“ from 17.03.2021 at 10:38 p.m. Available under https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/tansania-praesident-magufuli-tot-100.html, last time looked up at 11.05.2022.
[3] reuters „Tanzania arrests 4 people for reporting that president Magufuli is ill” at „zimlive.com” from 15.03.2021 at 9:31 p.m. Available under https://www.zimlive.com/2021/03/15/tanzania-arrests-4-people-for-reporting-that-president-magufuli-is-ill/, last time looked up at 11.05.2022.
[4] reuters „Tanzania arrests 4 people for reporting that president Magufuli is ill” at „zimlive.com” from 15.03.2021 at 9:31 p.m. Available under https://www.zimlive.com/2021/03/15/tanzania-arrests-4-people-for-reporting-that-president-magufuli-is-ill/, last time looked up at 11.05.2022.
[5] See e. g. Dotto Kwilasa „MAMBO KUMI YALIYOTIKISA KUAGWA KWA HAYATI DKT. MAGUFULI“ at „dodomanewz.blogspot.com“ from 27.03.2021. Available under https://dodomanewz.blogspot.com/2021/03/mambo-kumi-yaliyotikisa-kuagwa-kwa.html, last time looked up at 25.05.2022.
[6] „Was Magufuli CCM’s best kept secret?” at „thecitizen.co.tz” from 04.11.2015. Available under https://www.thecitizen.co.tz/tanzania/magazines/political-reforms/was-magufuli-ccm-s-best-kept-secret – 2537350, last time looked up at 25.05.2022
[7] See e. g. „It’s time for Africa to rein in Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer president” auf „theguardian.com” from 08.02.2021 at 08:30 a.m. Available under https://amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/08/its-time-for-africa-to-rein-in-tanzanias-anti-vaxxer-president, last time looked up at 11.05.2022.
[8] A German dubbed video can be found at: „Das darfst du nicht sehen! In YouTube gelöschte sowie in Facebook gesperrte Videos- Meinungsfreiheit hier Art. 5 Grundgesetz „‼️Von Youtube ohne Vorwarnung gelöscht!!!“ on t.me. Available under https://t.me/Medienzensur/518, last time looked up at 12.05.2022.
[9] „POLITIKER SCHICKT OBST UND MOTORÖL ZUM CORONA-TEST, DIE ERGEBNISSE ÜBERRASCHEN!“ at „tag24.de“ from 09.05.2020 at 11:11 a.m. Available under https://www.tag24.de/nachrichten/politik/international/politiker-international/politiker-schickte-obst-und-motoroel-zum-corona-test-die-ergebnisse-ueberraschen-1510787, last time looked up at 11.05.2022.
[10] n‑tv.de „Papaya positiv auf Corona getestet? Tansania kritisiert WHO“ at „n‑tv.“de from 07.05.2020 at 4:55 p.m.. Available under https://www.n‑tv.de/der_tag/Papaya-positiv-auf-Corona-getestet-Tansania-kritisiert-WHO-article21766364.html, last time looked up at 11.05.2022.
[11] Available under https://crlisboa.org/wp/juris/processo-n-o1783-20 – 7t8pdl-l1‑3/, last time looked up at 30.10.2021. Look up the following quote: „Face à actual evidência científica, esse teste mostra-se, só por si, incapaz de determinar, sem margem de dúvida razoável, que tal positividade corresponde, de facto, à infecção de uma pessoa pelo vírus SARS-CoV‑2, por várias razões, das quais destacamos duas (a que acresce a questão do gold standard que, pela sua especificidade, nem sequer abordaremos) […]“. Here is the translation: „Given the current scientific evidence, this test alone proves incapable of determining beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity in fact corresponds to a person being infected by the SARS-CoV‑2 virus, for various reasons, of which we hightlight two (in addition to the issue of the gold standard which, given its specificity, we will not even go ito) [….]”
[12] Available under http://www.verwaltungsgericht.wien.gv.at/Content.Node/rechtsprechung/103 – 048-3227 – 2021.pdf, last time looked up at 30.10.2021. See especially the following quote: „Mutatis mutandis sagt er damit, dass ein PCR-Test nicht zur Diagnostik geeignet ist und daher für sich alleine nichts zur Krankheit oder einer Infektion eines Menschen aussagt. […] Laut einer Studie aus dem Jahr 2020 (Bullard, J., Dust, K., Funk, D., Strong, J. E., Alexander, D., Garnett, L., … & Poliquin, G. (2020). Predicting infectious severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 from diagnostic samples. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71(10), 2663 – 2666.) ist bei CT-Werten größer als 24 kein vermehrungsfähiger Virus mehr nachweisbar und ein PCR Test nicht dazu geeignet, die Infektiosität zu bestimmen.“ Here is the translation: “Mutatis mutandis, he is saying that a PCR test is not suitable for diagnosis and therefore does not in itself say anything about a person’s disease or infection. […] According to a 2020 study (Bullard, J., Dust, K., Funk, D., Strong, J. E., Alexander, D., Garnett, L., … & Poliquin, G. (2020). Predicting infectious severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 from diagnostic samples. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 71(10), 2663 – 2666.) no replicable virus is detectable at CT values greater than 24 and a PCR assay is not suitable for determining infectivity.“
[13] Available under https://openjur.de/u/2334639.html, last time looked up at 30.10.2021. See here the folowing quote: „Zur Testung asymptomatischer Menschen anhand eines Nasen-Rachenabstrichs, wie er massenweise unkritisch und überwiegend von nicht-medizinischen Personal OHNE (hierbei entscheidend: entgegen der WHO-Forderung!) Anamnese- und Symptomerhebung bei den Getesteten erfolgt, ist die eingesetzte RT-qPCR nicht tauglich, eine Infektion mit SARS-CoV‑2 zu erkennen. […] Wie die RT-PCR können auch Antigenschnelltests prinzipiell nicht nachweisen, ob das gefundene Virusantigen zu einem intakten, infektiösen Virus gehört oder ein Überbleibsel (Bruchstück) von Viren ist, welche durch das Immunsystem abgetötet wurden.“ Here is the translation: “The RT-qPCR used to test asymptomatic people on the basis of a nasopharyngeal swab, as is done uncritically in large numbers and predominantly by non-medical staff WITHOUT (crucially here: contrary to the WHO requirement!) taking anamnesis and symptoms from those tested, is not suitable for detecting infection with SARS-CoV‑2. […] Like RT-PCR, rapid antigen tests cannot in principle detect whether the viral antigen found belongs to an intact, infectious virus or is a remnant (fragment) of viruses that have been killed by the immune system.“”
[14] Available under https://openjur.de/u/2311149.html, last time looked up at 30.10.2021: „2. Der Antragsteller weist zwar zutreffend darauf hin, dass ein positiver PCR-Test als solcher noch keine Infektiosität im Einzelfall belegt.
Siehe dazu etwa
https://dgn.org/neuronews/journal_club/vorhersagederinfektiositaetvonsarscov-2-beipositiverpcr/, abgerufen am 24. November 2020.“ Here is the translation: „The applicant correctly points out that a positive PCR test as such does not prove infectivity in an individual case.
See for instance.
https://dgn.org/neuronews/journal_club/vorhersagederinfektiositaetvonsarscov-2-beipositiverpcr/, accessed 24 November 2020.“ The internet reference named in the decision can no longer be accessed.
[15] Available under https://www.justiz.sachsen.de/ovgentschweb/documents/20B351.B01.pdf, last time looked up at 30.10.2021. See here paragraph 41: „Soweit der Antragsteller vorträgt, dass ein positiver PCR-Test keinen Schluss darauf zulasse, ob eine Infektion oder Krankheit vorliege, mag dies grundsätzlich zutreffen.“ Here is the translation: „To the extent that the applicant argues that a positive PCR test does not allow a conclusion to be drawn as to whether an infection or disease is present, this may be true in principle.“
[16] „Sinnlose PCR-Tests: Australische Behörde gibt zwei Jahre Betrug am Volk zu“ auf „report24.news“ from 18.05.2022. Available under https://report24.news/sinnlose-pcr-tests-australische-behoerde-gibt-zwei-jahre-betrug-am-volk-zu/, last time looked up at 22.05.2022.
[17] See e. g. africanews „President Magufuli warns Tanzanians against Covid-19 vaccines” on „youtube.com” from 27.01.2021. Available under https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBEs-kdw-ZY, last time looked up at 11.05.2022.
[18] Michael Oduor „President Magufuli warns Tanzanians against Covid-19 vaccines” at „africanews.com” from27.01.2021. Available under https://www.africanews.com/2021/01/27/president-magufuli-warns-tanzanians-against-covid-19-vaccines/, last time looked up at 11.05.2022.
[19] Michael Oduor „President Magufuli warns Tanzanians against Covid-19 vaccines” at „africanews.com” from27.01.2021. Available under https://www.africanews.com/2021/01/27/president-magufuli-warns-tanzanians-against-covid-19-vaccines/, last time looked up at 11.05.2022.
[20] Johannes Dieterich „Gefängnis für Corona-Berichte“ at „fr.de“ from 20.04.2021 at 5:29 p.m. Available under https://www.fr.de/politik/gefaengnis-fuer-corona-berichte-90467962.html, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[21] „Twitter sperrt Trump „dauerhaft““ at „tagesschau.de“ from 09.01.2021 at 04:52 a.m. Available under https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/twitter-sperrt-trump-101.html, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[22] Christoph Kehlbach und Michael-Matthias Nordhardt „150 Konten und Gruppen betroffen. Facebook geht gegen „Querdenken“ vor: Sind die Löschungen erlaubt?“ az „swr.de“ from 17.09.2021 at 4:35 p.m. Available under https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/faq-facebook-loescht-querdenken-kanaele-100.html, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[23] Max Schäfer „#allesaufdentisch: Youtube sperrt erneut Corona-Videos“ at „fr.de“ from 14.10.2021 at 09:06 a.m. Available under https://www.fr.de/panorama/volker-bruch-youtube-corona-videos-geloescht-allesaufdentisch-pandemie-kritik-zr-91044779.html, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[24] Julia Jannaschk „„Über sogenannte soziale Medien wie Facebook und auch YouTube werden Verschwörungsmythen normalisiert“: Experte kommentiert Löschung der Querdenker-Gruppen auf Facebook“ at „watson.de“ from 17.09.2021 at 5:06 p. m. and 18.09.2021 at 12:21 a.m.. Available under https://www.watson.de/leben/analyse/951130007-experte-kommentiert-loeschung-der-querdenker-gruppen-auf-facebook, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[25] „BR24 Redaktion Facebook löscht „Querdenken“-Kanäle als „schädliches Netzwerk““ at „br.de“ from 16.09.2021 at 8:45 p.m.. Available under https://www.br.de/nachrichten/netzwelt/facebook-loescht-querdenken-kanaele-als-schaedliches-netzwerk,SjCNxCu, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[26] „Facebook löscht Kanäle und Gruppen der „Querdenker““ at „tagesspiegel.de“ from 17.09.2021 at 06:01 a.m.. Available under https://www.tagesspiegel.de/gesellschaft/schaedliches-netzwerk-facebook-loescht-kanaele-und-gruppen-der-querdenker/27621014.html, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[27] Michael Borgers „EU-Verbot von RT und Sputnik „Wir erleben einen Informationskrieg“ at „deutschlandfunk.de“ from 03.03.2022. Available under https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/eu-verbot-rt-de-debatte-reaktionen-100.html, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[28] „RT DE trotzt Zensur und Hackerangriffen – Wir sind weiterhin über Alternativen erreichbar“ at „de.rt.com“ from 02.04.2022 at 08:15 Uhr. Available under https://de.rt.com/inland/135241-rt-de-trotzt-zensur-und-hackerangriffen/, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[29] Michael Borgers „EU-Verbot von RT und Sputnik „Wir erleben einen Informationskrieg“ at „deutschlandfunk.de“ from 03.03.2022. Available under https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/eu-verbot-rt-de-debatte-reaktionen-100.html, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[30] „TikTok löscht AfD-Kanal“ at „jungefreiheit.de“ from 10.05.2022. Available under https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2022/tiktok-loescht-afd-kanal/, last time looked up at 13.05.2022.
[31] „Polizei zu Hausdurchsuchung bei „Querdenken“-Arzt Bodo Schiffmann“ at „t‑online.de“ from 27.10.2020. Available under https://www.t‑online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/id_88827988/polizei-zu-hausdurchsuchung-bei-querdenken-arzt-bodo-schiffmann-.html, last time looked up at 14.05.2022.
[32] Eliran Kendi „Bodo Schiffmann: „Querdenker“-Arzt nach Afrika geflüchtet – „Meine Kinder sind stolz auf mich““ at „heidelberg24“.de from 11.03.2021 at 07:52 a.m. Available under https://www.heidelberg24.de/region/bodo-schiffmann-razzia-corona-maske-querdenken-sinsheim-heidelberg-arzt-demonstranten-klinik-afrika-90200390.html, last time looked up at 14.05.2022.
[33] See e. g. Daniel Hagen „Bodo Schiffmann: Spenden-Geld landet bei Esoterik-Verein – „Kraftpakete“ für Flutopfer?“ at „mannheim24“.de from 23.02.2022 at 8:27 p.m.. Available under https://www.mannheim24.de/region/sekte-bodo-schiffmann-flutopfer-ahrtal-spendengeld-telegram-querdenker-91359531.html, last time looked up at 14.05.2022.
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[35] „Zeigen des „Z“-Symbols kann strafbar sein“ at „tagesschau.de“ from 28.03.2022 at 12:31 a.m.. Available under https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/z‑symbol-russland-verbot-101.html, last time looked up at 14.05.2022.
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